Match the term to its definition by clicking the term first, then the definition.


birth rate
carrying capacity
cash economy
civil society
climate change
death rate
demographic transition
ecological footprint
the maximum number of people that a given territory can support sustainably with food, water, and other essential resources
the long-term balance of temperature and precipitation that characteristically prevails in a particular region
the amount of biologically productive land and sea area needed to sustain a person at the current average standard of living for a given population
an ideology, based largely on the writings of the German revolutionary Karl Marx, that calls on workers to unite to overthrow capitalism and establish an egalitarian society in which workers share what they produce; as practiced, communism was actually a socialized system of public services and a centralized government and economy in which citizens participated only indirectly through Communist Party representatives
a term usually used to describe economic changes such as the greater productivity of agriculture and industry that lead to better standards of living or simply to increased mass consumption
a political system that subordinates individual freedom to the power of the state or of elite regional and local leaders
the practice of producing food through animal husbandry, or the raising of animals, and the cultivation of plants
the triangular-shaped plain of sediment that forms where a river meets the sea
the social groups and traditions that function independently of the state and its institutions to foster a sense of unity and an informed common purpose among the general population
the entirety of the Earth’s integrated physical spheres, with humans and other impacts included as part of nature
the process of developing plants and animals through selective breeding to live with and be of use to humans
an economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and distribution of goods, driven by the profit motive and characterized by a competitive marketplace
the transition toward political systems that are guided by competitive elections
the ratio of total deaths to total population in a specified community, usually expressed in numbers per 1000 or in percentages
the change from high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates that usually accompanies a cluster of other changes, such as change from a subsistence to a cash economy, increased education rates, and urbanization
the number of births per 1000 people in a given population, per unit of time (usually per year)
an economic system that tends to be urban but may be rural, in which skilled workers, well-trained specialists, and even farm laborers are paid in money
a slow shifting of climate patterns due to the general cooling or warming of the atmosphere
geographers who specialize in depicting geographic information on maps
all the ideas, materials, and institutions that people have invented to use to live on Earth that are not directly part of our biological inheritance


ethnic group
ethnic cleansing
Euro zone
fair trade
food security
formal economy
free trade
gender roles
genetic modification (GM)
Geographic Information Science (GISc)
global economy
global scale
global warming
the ability of a state to consistently supply a sufficient amount of basic food to the entire population
the process by which fragmented rock and soil are moved over a distance, primarily by wind and water
all aspects of the economy that take place in official channels
those countries in the European Union that use the euro currency
the unrestricted international exchange of goods, services, and capital
the body of science that supports multiple spatial analysis technologies and keeps them at the cutting edge
a group of people who share a common ancestry and sense of common history, a set of beliefs, a way of life, a technology, and usually a common geographic location of origin
the warming of the Earth’s climate as atmospheric levels of greenhouse gases increase
the socially assigned roles for males and females
the strategies that countries use to ensure that their own interests are served in relations with other countries
trade that values equity throughout the international trade system; now proposed as an alternative to free trade
the deliberate destruction of an ethnic, racial, or political group
in agriculture, the practice of splicing together the genes from widely divergent species to achieve particular desirable characteristics
the flat land along a river where sediment is deposited during flooding
out-migration from a place or country (see also migration)
the deliberate removal of an ethnic group from a particular area by forced migration
the ways a particular social group defines the differences between the sexes
the worldwide system in which goods, services, and labor are exchanged
mining, forestry, and agriculture
the level of geography that encompasses the entire world as a single unified area


green revolution
greenhouse gases (GHG)
gross domestic product (GDP) per capita
gross national income (GNI) per capita
human geography
human well-being
industrial production
Industrial Revolution
informal economy
Kyoto Protocol
living wages
local scale
map projections
the total production of goods and services in a country in a given year, divided by the mid-year population
increases in food production brought about through the use of new seeds, fertilizers, mechanized equipment, irrigation, pesticides, and herbicides
the distance in degrees north or south of the equator; lines of latitude run parallel to the equator, and are also called parallels
the study of patterns and processes that have shaped human understanding, use, and alteration of the Earth’s surface
the various ways of showing the spherical Earth on a flat surface
minimum wages high enough to support a healthy life
in-migration to a place or country (see also migration)
processing, manufacturing, and construction
a series of innovations and ideas that occurred broadly between 1750 and 1850, which changed the way goods were manufactured
the distance in degrees east and west of Greenwich, England; lines of longitude, also called meridians, run from pole to pole (the line of longitude at Greenwich is 0° and is known as the prime meridian)
all aspects of the economy that take place outside official channels
the total market value of all goods and services produced within a particular country’s borders and within a given year, divided by the number of people in the country
the growth of worldwide linkages and the changes these linkages are bringing about
an amendment to a United Nations treaty on global warming, the Protocol is an international agreement, adopted in 1997 and in force in 2005, that sets binding targets for industrialized countries for reducing emissions of greenhouse gases
gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, released into the atmosphere by human activities, which become harmful when released in excessive amounts
the movement of people from one place or country to another, often for safety or economic reasons
the level of geography that describes the space where an individual lives or works; a city, town, or rural area
physical features of the Earth’s surface, such as mountain ranges, river valleys, basins, and cliffs
a small box somewhere on a map that provides basic information about how to read the map, such as the meaning of the symbols and colors used
various measures of the extent to which people are able to obtain a healthy and socially rewarding standard of living in an environment that is safe and sustainable


multicultural society
multinational corporation
nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)
orographic rainfall
physical geography
plate tectonics
political ecologists
political freedoms
population pyramid
primary sector
purchasing power parity (PPP)
push/pull phenomenon of urbanization
quaternary sector
rate of natural increase (RNI)
Ring of Fire
scale (of a map)
the scientific theory that the Earth’s surface is composed of large plates that float on top of an underlying layer of molten rock; the movement and interaction of the plates create many of the large features of the Earth’s surface, particularly mountains
a society in which many culture groups live in close association
geographers who study the interactions among development, politics, human well-being, and the environment
the amount that the local currency equivalent of U.S.$1 will purchase in a given country
an economic sector of the economy that is based on extraction (see also extraction)
a business organization that operates extraction, production, and/or distribution facilities in multiple countries
the tectonic plate junctures around the edges of the Pacific Ocean; characterized by volcanoes and earthquakes
a sector of the economy that is based on intellectual pursuits such as education, research, and IT (information technology) development
the study of the Earth’s physical processes: how they work and interact, how they affect humans, and how they are affected by humans
the proportion that relates the dimensions of the map to the dimensions of the area it represents; also, variable-sized units of geographical analysis from the local scale to the regional scale to the global scale
a social or political construct that is based on apparent characteristics such as skin color, hair texture, and face and body shape, but that is of no biological significance
the rights and capacities that support individual and collective liberty and public participation in political decision making
dew, rain, sleet, and snow
associations outside the formal institutions of government in which individuals, often from widely differing backgrounds and locations, share views and activism on political, social, economic, or environmental issues
a wind pattern in which in summer months, warm, wet air coming from the ocean brings copious rainfall, and in winter, cool, dry air moves from the continental interior toward the ocean
the rate of population growth measured as the excess of births over deaths per 1000 individuals per year without regard for the effects of migration
rainfall produced when a moving moist air mass encounters a mountain range, rises, cools, and releases condensed moisture that falls as rain
a unit of the Earth’s surface that contains distinct patterns of physical features and/or distinct patterns of human development
conditions, such as political instability or economic changes, that encourage (push) people to leave rural areas, and urban factors, such as job opportunities, that encourage (pull) people to move to the urban area
a graph that depicts the age and sex structures of a political unit, usually a country


secondary sector
spatial distribution
spatial interaction
subsistence economy
sustainable agriculture
sustainable development
tertiary sector
total fertility rate (TFR)
United Nations (UN)
United Nations Gender Equality Index (GEI) rank
United Nations Human Development Index (HDI)
virtual water
water footprint
World Trade Organization (WTO)
the water used to produce a product, such as an apple or a pair of shoes
an economic sector of the economy that is based on industrial production (see also industrial production)
a composite measure reflecting the degree to which there is inequality in achievements between women and men in three dimensions: reproductive health, empowerment, and the labor market. A high rank indicates that the genders are tending toward equality
an assembly of 193 member states that sponsors programs and agencies that focus on economic development, general health and well-being, democratization, peacekeeping assistance in “hot spots” around the world, humanitarian aid, and scientific research
the effort to improve current standards of living in ways that will not jeopardize those of future generations
farming that meets human needs without poisoning the environment or using up water and soil resources
an economic sector of the economy that is based on services (see also services)
a global institution made up of member countries whose stated mission is to lower trade barriers and to establish ground rules for international trade
an economy in which families produce most of their own food, clothing, and shelter
the process whereby cities, towns, and suburbs grow as populations shift from rural to urban livelihoods
the physical or chemical decomposition of rocks by sun, rain, snow, ice, and the effects of life-forms
the average number of children that women in a particular population are likely to have at the present rate of natural increase
the short-term and spatially limited expression of climate that can change in a matter of minutes
an index that calculates a country’s level of well-being, based on a formula of factors that considers income adjusted to PPP, data on life expectancy at birth, and data on educational attainment
densely populated area characterized by crowding, run-down housing, and inadequate access to food, clean water, education, and social services
sales, entertainment, and financial services
the flow of goods, people, services, or information across space and among places
the biological category of male or female; does not indicate how males or females may behave or identify themselves
all the water a person consumes, including both virtual water and the water they consume directly
the arrangement of a phenomenon across the Earth’s surface