Middle and South America: Review and Self-Test

1. Environment: Deforestation in this region contributes significantly to global climate change through the removal of trees, which as living plants naturally absorb carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas. Once the trees are cut or burned, they release large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Additionally, despite the region’s overall abundant water resources, some areas are experiencing a water crisis related to climate change, inadequate water infrastructure, and intensified use of water.

2. Globalization and Development: The integration of this region with the global economy has left it with the widest gap between rich and poor in the world. Long-term failures to address poverty, economic instability, and the flow of resources and money out of the region have resulted in many conflicts and inspired numerous efforts at reform. Nevertheless, in recent years several countries in this region have emerged as global economic leaders.

3. Power and Politics: After decades of rule by elites and the military, punctuated by disruptive foreign military interventions, political freedoms in Middle and South America are expanding. Almost all countries now have multiparty political systems and democratically elected governments. However, the international illegal drug trade continues to be a source of violence and corruption in the region.

4. Urbanization: Since the early 1970s, Middle and South America has experienced rapid urban growth as rural people migrate to cities and towns. A lack of planning to accommodate the massive rush to the cities has created densely occupied urban landscapes that often lack adequate support services and infrastructure.

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5. Population and Gender: During the early twentieth century, the combination of cultural and economic factors and improvements in health care created a population explosion. By the late twentieth century, improved living conditions, expanded access to education and medical care, urbanization, and changing gender roles were all working together to reduce population growth.