The region of North Africa and Southwest Asia is known as a center of especially troublesome political issues that command the attention of major global powers. These issues can all be related in one way or another to the politics of the international oil trade (see Figure 6.21A), and at least one may be related to global climate change.
The origins of the U.S. war with Iraq, beginning in 2003, lie in 1963, when the United States backed a coup that installed a pro-
After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the U.S. administration of President George W. Bush (2001–
After the initial invasion met little resistance, President Bush declared the war won on May 1, 2003. However, terrorist bombs and insurgent attacks soon erupted, with violence peaking between 2006 and 2007, after which it gradually decreased but did not cease. By March 2013, a total of 4422 U.S. troops had been killed and 31,926 had been wounded. Furthermore, more than 150,000 veterans of the conflict had been diagnosed with some form of serious mental disorder, including posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The death toll for Iraqis, including civilians, was much higher, estimated as at least 111,407 and possibly as high as 1.3 million, when counting Iraqi deaths caused by the harsh conditions created by the war.
The failure to understand the simmering tensions between Iraq’s major religious and ethnic groups crippled the U.S. intervention. Sunnis in the central northwest had dominated the country under Saddam, although they constituted only 32 percent of the population. Shi‘ites in the south, with 60 percent of the population, have dominated politics since the fall of Saddam. This has given more influence to neighboring Iran, whose mostly Shi’ite population has an affinity with Iraqi Shi‘as. Meanwhile, Kurds in the northeast, once brutally suppressed under Saddam Hussein, are allied with Kurdish populations in Turkey, Iran, and Syria, and resist cooperating with the Iraqi national government in Baghdad. 134. KURDISH NATIONALISTS IN IRAQ, TURKEY SEEK LAND OF THEIR OWN
Recent studies of Iraqi public opinion indicate that a majority of Iraqis want a strong central government that can protect them from violent insurgents and that can maintain control of the country’s large fossil fuel reserves. Polls also show that the vast majority of Iraqis want all fighting to stop and all U.S. and allied military forces to leave. All U.S. “combat” forces left Iraq in 2012, though thousands of personnel will remain for years to come as trainers and technical support for the Iraqi military.
The Israeli–
Israel’s excellent technical and educational infrastructure, its diverse and prospering economy, and the large aid contributions (public and private) it receives from the United States and elsewhere have made it one of the region’s wealthiest, most technologically advanced, and militarily powerful countries.
The Palestinian people, by contrast, are severely impoverished and undereducated after years of conflict, inadequate government, and meager living (as noted in Table 6.1), often in refugee camps. Through a series of events over the past 60 years, Palestinians have lost most of the lands on which they used to live. They now live in two main areas—
Statistics show some stark differences in well- |
Population (in smillions) (mid- |
GNI PPP in U.S.$ (2012) |
Life expectancy at birth (2012) |
Infant mortality rate (2012) |
HDI ranks (2012)* |
Overall life satisfaction (2011)† |
Palestinians |
4.3 |
3359 |
73 |
21 |
110 |
4.7 |
Israelis |
7.9 |
27,660 |
82 |
3.4 |
16 |
7.4 |
*See http:/
†Ranked on a scale of 1 to 10, with 0 representing least satisfied and 10 representing most satisfied
Source: Population Reference Bureau 2012 Data Sheet
Human Rights Watch report: http:/
The Creation of the State of Israel In the late nineteenth century, as a response to centuries of discrimination and persecution in Europe and Russia, a small group of European Jews, known as Zionists, began to purchase land in a part of the Ottoman Empire known at the time as Palestine. Most sellers were wealthy non-
Zionists those who have worked, and continue to work, to create a Jewish homeland (Zion) in Palestine
On their newly purchased lands, the Zionists established communal settlements called kibbutzim, into which a small flow of Jews came from Europe and Russia. While Jewish and Palestinian populations intermingled in the early years, tensions emerged as Zionist land purchases displaced more and more Palestinians.
In 1917, the British government adopted the Balfour Declaration, which favored the establishment of a national home for Jews in the Palestine territory, and which explicitly stated that “nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-
By 1946, following the genocide of 6 million Jews in Nazi Germany’s death camps during World War II, strong sentiment had grown throughout the world in favor of a Jewish homeland in the space in the eastern Mediterranean that Jews had shared in ancient times with Palestinians and other Arab groups. Hundreds of thousands of Jews began migrating to Palestine and, against British policy, many took up arms to support their goal of a Jewish state.
Decades of Conflict and the Two-
The Palestinians and neighboring Arab countries fiercely objected to the establishment of a Jewish state and feared that they would continue to lose land and other resources. Then, as now, the conflict between Jews and Palestinian Arabs was less about religion than control of land, settlements, and access to water. The sequence of the changes in allotments of land to Israel and to the Palestinians over the last 90 years can be followed in Figure 6.22.
On the same day that the British reluctantly ended the mandate and withdrew their forces, May 14, 1948, the Jewish Agency for Palestine unilaterally declared the state of Israel on the land designated to them by the Plan of Partition. Warfare between the Jews and Palestinians began immediately. Neighboring Arab countries—
In the repeated conflicts over the next decades—
In 1987, the Palestinians mounted the first of two prolonged uprisings, known as the intifada, characterized by escalating violence. The first ran until 1993, when the Oslo Peace Accords provided that Israel withdraw from parts of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, and that the Palestinian Authority be the entity that would enable Palestinians to govern themselves in their own state. The second intifada began in 2000 and continues into the present, primarily fueled by the expansion of Israeli settlements—
intifada a prolonged Palestinian uprising against Israel
Over the years since 1947, the vision of a two-
Territorial Disputes When Israel occupied Palestinian lands in 1967, the UN Security Council passed a resolution requiring Israel to return those lands, known as the occupied Palestinian Territories (oPT), in exchange for peaceful relations between Israel and neighboring Arab states. This land-
Despite the land-
The West Bank barrier, a high containment wall (Figure 6.23A) built beginning in 2003, encircles Jewish settlements on the West Bank and separates approximately 30,000 Palestinian farmers from their fields. It also blocks roads that once were busy with small businesses, effectively annexes 6 to 8 percent of the West Bank to Israel, and severely limits Palestinian access to much of the city of Jerusalem, most of which is now on the Israeli side of the barrier. The barrier, declared illegal by the World Court and the United Nations, and opposed by the United States, is nonetheless very popular among Israelis because it has reduced the number of Palestinian suicide bombings. 132. WEST BANK BARRIER, NEW DIVIDE IN PALESTINIAN–ISRAELI CONFLICT
West Bank barrier a 25-
The worries raised by the rebellion in Syria (beginning in 2011 and continuing through the present) are basically the same as those raised by all the Arab Spring movements. Can autocratic governments continue to block democratic reforms? Will Islamist factions more often than not succeed in taking control? Will women be able to change patriarchal customs? Will gains in economic development be overwhelmed by the material destruction caused by civil war? In Syria, yet another concern has been raised that carries implications for the entire region: Climate change and the water scarcity that accompanies it (discussed later in this section) are now thought to be among the stressors that helped to bring on the Syrian rebellion.
The political causes of rebellion in Syria are many. Syria used to be one of the more developed countries in the region. Several factions of Muslims, as well as Christians and even a few Jews, lived together peaceably. Markets were full of life, women could have careers and go out alone past midnight, old men played board games while children played along community streets, tourists flocked to ancient historic sites, and Syrian TV dramas disseminated the Syrian hospitable way of life across the region. But after the Assad family swept to power in a bloodless coup in 1970, Syria slowly morphed into an authoritarian state. By the time Bashar al-
Although some Syrians enjoyed the way the Assads thumbed their noses at the United States and Europe (the West), more educated and secular Syrians could see that their access to decent lives and participation in civic life was being ever more curtailed by the Assad regime. The trappings of a free society, such as shopping malls, Coca-
The Assad family belongs to the minority Alawite sect of Shi‘ites, while the majority of Syrians are Sunni Muslims. To keep political equilibrium, the Assads favored a secular state similar to Turkey’s. However Sunnis were kept out of governing circles. Sunni antagonism against Alawites grew because Alawites led particularly privileged lives, with many advantages coming to them from the Assad family.
Arab Spring protests were met with brutal repression in Syria. Several pro-
By early 2013, more than 100,000 people had died from violence and related causes, with children making up at least one-
Economic Interdependence as a Peace Dividend
Though rarely covered in the media, economic cooperation is a fact of life for Israelis and Palestinians and is a crucial component for any two-
Currently, there are several cooperative industrial parks that have been established jointly by the Palestinian Authority and the Israeli government in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Dubbed “peace parks,” the goal of these parks is to use economic development to overcome conflict. Some people are critical of them because Israel tightly controls Palestinian access to the world market. It may take some time for the peace parks to earn the trust of Palestinians, given Israel’s history of discouraging industrial development in the occupied territories. Nevertheless, neighboring Israeli and Palestinian cities, such as Gilboa in Israel and Jenin in the West Bank, are pursuing the peace park idea. In 2012, Israelis and Palestinians quietly reached new agreements to expand Palestinian access to jobs in, and trade with, Israel. The agreements address tax procedures, increase the number of entrance permits, and help ease the movement of people through roadblocks.
The United States has had a long and complicated relationship with Iraq that dates back to the 1960s, when the United States tried to influence Iraq’s internal affairs.
While the modern conflict between Israel and the Palestinians is decades old, the situation remains dynamic and complex and continues to be an obstacle to widespread political and economic cooperation in the region.
Economic cooperation is already a fact of life for Israelis and Palestinians, and more such interaction is a crucial component of any solution to the current conflict. The entire region would benefit from the peace dividend that comes from broader economic cooperation.
Political protests against the autocratic Assad regime in Syria have become complicated by the involvement of competing points of view among Islamist, Salafist, secularist, and pro-