South Asia: Review and Self-
1. Environment: Climate change puts more lives at risk in South Asia than in any other region in the world, primarily due to water-
Why is the issue of melting glaciers in the Himalayas so important in this region? Compare the short-
What additional threats do coastal areas of South Asia face?
2. Globalization and Development: Globalization benefits some South Asians more than others. Educated and skilled South Asian workers with jobs in export-
What kinds of workers in South Asia have gained from the recent boom in foreign investment? What about South Asian workers is especially attractive to foreign investors in high-
How are jobs in South Asia linked to the global economy?
What kinds of workers in South Asia are benefiting the least from these new foreign investments?
3. Power and Politics: India, South Asia’s oldest, largest, and strongest democracy, has shown that the expansion of political freedoms can ameliorate conflict. Across the region, when people have been able to participate in policy-
Which conflicts in South Asia have been made worse by an unwillingness on the part of governments and warring parties to allow free and fair elections?
What democratic strategy has been used to diffuse some conflicts in the region, at least for the short term?
What are some signs that political participation is catching on in South Asia?
4. Urbanization: South Asia has two general patterns of urbanization: one for the rich and the middle classes and one for the poor. The areas that the rich and the middle classes occupy include sleek, modern skyscrapers bearing the logos of powerful global companies, universities, upscale shopping districts, and well-
What has been the impact on food production of the introduction of new seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, and equipment in South Asia? How has this shift resulted in the growth of cities?
What kinds of jobs and housing do people in South Asia usually find in urban areas?
5. Population and Gender: In this most densely populated of world regions, population growth is slowing as the demographic transition takes hold. Birth rates are falling due to rising incomes, urbanization, better access to health care, and the fact that women are finding more opportunities to study and work outside the home, and thus are delaying childbearing and having fewer children. However, a severe gender imbalance is developing in this region due to age-
What has created the strong preference for sons among many South Asian families? Where in South Asia is the preference for sons the weakest?
What is the link between fertility and education for women of South Asia?