Match the term to its definition by clicking the term first, then the definition.


caste system
civil disobedience
communal conflict
Harappa culture
Indus Valley civilization
a major world religion practiced by approximately 900 million people, 800 million of whom live in India; a complex belief system, with roots both in ancient literary texts (known as the Great Tradition) and in highly localized folk traditions (known as the Little Tradition)
a program based on peer support that makes very small loans available to very low-income entrepreneurs
see Indus Valley civilization: the first substantial settled agricultural communities, which appeared about 4500 years ago along the Indus River in modern-day Pakistan and northwest India
a religion of Asia that originated as a reformist movement within Hinduism more than 2000 years ago; Jains are found mainly in western India and in large urban centers throughout the region and are known for their educational achievements, nonviolence, and strict vegetarianism
a price paid by the family of the bride to the groom (the opposite of bride price); formerly a custom practiced only by the rich
the practice of traditional, nonchemical methods of crop fertilization and the use of natural predators to control pests
protesting of laws or policies by peaceful direct action
a complex, ancient Hindu system for dividing society into hereditary hierarchical classes
a religion of Asia that originated in India in the sixth century B.C.E. as a reinterpretation of Hinduism; it emphasizes modest living and peaceful self-reflection leading to enlightenment
in Hindu India, the subcaste into which a person is born, which traditionally defines the individual’s experience for a lifetime
a euphemism for religiously based violence in South Asia
the first substantial settled agricultural communities, which appeared about 4500 years ago along the Indus River in modern-day Pakistan and northwest India
a dynasty of Central Asian origin that ruled India from the sixteenth century to the nineteenth century


offshore outsourcing
regional conflict
religious nationalism
sex work
summer monsoon
winter monsoon
the four hierarchically ordered divisions of society in Hindu India underlying the caste system: Brahmins (priests), Kshatriyas (warriors/kings), Vaishyas (merchants/landowners), and Sudras (laborers/artisans)
rains that begin every June when the warm, moist ITCZ air first reaches the mountainous western Ghats
a conflict created by the resistance of a regional ethnic or religious minority to the authority of a national or state government; currently these are the most intense armed conflicts in South Asia
a term often used to refer to the entire Indian peninsula, including Nepal, Bhutan, India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh
an archconservative Islamist movement that gained control of the government of Afghanistan in the mid-1990s
the association of a particular religion with a particular territory or political unit to the exclusion of other religions
a weather pattern that begins by November, when the cooling Eurasian landmass sends the cooler, drier, heavier air over South Asia
the contracting of certain business functions or production functions to providers where labor and other costs are lower
the breakup following Indian independence that resulted in the establishment of Hindu India and Muslim Pakistan
the practice of concealing women from the eyes of nonfamily men
the provision of sexual acts for a fee
a religion of South Asia that combines beliefs of Islam and Hinduism