Match the term to its definition by clicking the term first, then the definition.


Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
coral bleaching
crony capitalism
cultural pluralism
domino theory
feminization of labor
foreign exchange
resettlement schemes
sex tourism
the cultural identity characteristic of a region where groups of people from many different backgrounds have lived together for a long time but have remained distinct
color loss that results when photosynthetic algae that live in corals are expelled
government plans to move large numbers of people from one part of a country to another to relieve urban congestion, disperse political dissidents, or accomplish other social purposes; also called transmigration
the sexual entertainment industry that serves primarily men who travel for the purpose of living out their fantasies during a few weeks of vacation
a group, often a chain, of islands
dead organic material (such as plants and insects) that collects on the ground
a type of corruption in which politicians, bankers, and entrepreneurs, sometimes members of the same family, have close personal as well as business relationships
an organization of Southeast Asian governments that was established to further economic growth and political cooperation
a group of hunters and gatherers who moved approximately 40,000 to 60,000 years ago from what are now the northern Indian and Burman parts of southern Eurasia to the exposed landmass of Sundaland and present-day Australia
a group of skilled farmers and seafarers from southern China who migrated south to various parts of Southeast Asia between 5000 and 10,000 years ago
foreign currency that countries need to purchase imports
the rising numbers of women in both the formal and the informal labor force
a foreign policy theory that used the idea of the domino effect to suggest that if one country “fell” to communism, others in the neighboring region would also fall