Lydia Mihelič Pulsipher is a cultural-
Alex A. Pulsipher is an independent scholar in Knoxville, Tennessee, who has conducted research on vulnerability to climate change; sustainable communities; and the diffusion of green technologies in the United States. In the early 1990s, while a student at Wesleyan University in Connecticut, Alex spent time in South Asia working for a sustainable development research center. He then completed his BA at Wesleyan, writing his undergraduate thesis on the history of Hindu nationalism. Beginning in 1995, Alex contributed to the research and writing of the first edition of World Regional Geography with Lydia Pulsipher. In 1999 and 2000, he traveled to South America, Southeast Asia, and South Asia, where he collected information for the second edition of the text and for the Web site. In 2000 and 2001, he wrote and designed maps for the second edition. He participated in the writing of the fourth edition and in writing, restructuring the content of, and creating photo essays and maps for the fifth and sixth editions. Alex worked extensively on the first, second, and third editions of World Regional Geography Concepts, reorganizing content, writing, and researching photos. He has a master’s degree in geography from Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts.
Conrad McCall “Mac” Goodwin has assisted in the writing of World Regional Geography and the Concepts version in many ways. Mac, Lydia’s husband, is an anthropologist and historical archaeologist with a BA in anthropology from the University of California, Santa Barbara; an MA in historical archaeology from the College of William and Mary; and a PhD in archaeology from Boston University. He specializes in sites created during the European colonial era in North America, the Caribbean, and the Pacific. He has particular expertise in the archaeology of agricultural systems, gardens, domestic landscapes, and urban spaces. In addition to work in archaeology and on the textbook, for the past 10 years he has been conducting research on wines and winemaking in Slovenia, and delivering papers on these topics at professional geography meetings. For relaxation, Mac works in his organic garden, builds stone walls (including a pizza oven), and is a slow-