Continuous Partial Attention
Linda Stone
Linda Stone (b. 1955), who spent over fifteen years working at Apple and Microsoft, is featured in the book The Digerati (1996), where she is described as a high-tech visionary. Today, she is a speaker and consultant on innovation, IT trends, and humans’ relationship with technology. She has published articles in various newspapers and magazines — from the New York Times and the Boston Globe to the Economist and the Harvard Business Review. In this video interview, Stone describes the concept of continuous partial attention.
Source: SIME Conference. “Linda Stone on Continuous Partial Attention.” SIME 2009. SIME 2009, 30 May 2010. Web. 29 Apr. 2013.
Reading for Meaning
Watch "Continuous Partial Attention" and write a sentence or two explaining what Linda Stone means by continuous partial attention and why she thinks it is important.
Reading Like a Writer: Explaining Using Appropriate Strategies
On the Web, writers can explain concepts not just with text, but also with visuals, audio, video clips, and interactive features. For example, Stone explains her concept through words, but the video also conveys something about continuous partial attention (and its opposite) through interspersed video of the behavior of attendees at the SIME conference where Stone was speaking.
Write a paragraph analyzing how the video uses explanatory strategies — both verbal and visual — to explain the concept of continuous partial attention:
Replay the brief video, but instead of watching it this time, close your eyes and listen to Stone’s words. What strategies does she use to explain her concept? What strategies does she use to explain what she considers its opposite?
Now replay the video a third time, and watch it closely. How do the camera techniques (quick cuts, pans of conference attendees, close-ups of Stone’s face or hands) help explain or depict the concept?