The Telescope Effect
Shankar Vedantam
Take the quiz below to check your comprehension of the reading selection:
How much was one check to help save the dog?
A. |
B. |
C. |
D. |
Who did others believe the money should have gone to?
A. |
B. |
C. |
D. |
Why do people have problems helping suffering on a large scale?
A. |
B. |
C. |
D. |
What is it called when people don’t feel sadder when higher numbers are involved?
A. |
B. |
C. |
D. |
What was the name of the dog that was trapped?
A. |
B. |
C. |
D. |
Summarize “The Telescope Effect.” Be sure to put the summary in your own words and to avoid using the sentence structure of the reading selection. Remember that your summary should restate the author’s main idea (or thesis) and that it should include only the author’s most important supporting ideas.
Explain the meaning of each of the following words as it is used in the reading:
Incensed (par. 4)
Discrepancy (par. 8)
Blasé (par. 9)