Establish a way to organize your electronic documents because you are likely to move from computer to computer to do your work. For example, you may start writing a paper during class at a computer lab, revise it in the library, work on it at your friend’s house, and then finish it at home. The best way to deal with this is to create an online storage space for documents. While you can use a flash drive / USB drive to save your documents, having an online version in the cloud allows you to access your work anywhere, share it easily, and collaborate with others. This is also excellent practice for the work world, where information sharing is key. Choose an app or system that works for you and stick to it. (If you are new to computers and don’t even know where to start, stop by your instructor’s office hours, ask the technician or a student worker at your campus computer lab, or find a friend who is a computer expert to explain the basics. Trying to figure it all out alone would push anyone beyond the frustration level. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.)

In addition to creating an organized online storage place for your documents, follow these best practices of organized professionals: