Chapter 3. test


Tutorials on Reading Visuals
Reading Visuals: Color

Reading Visuals: Color


Cheryl E. Ball, Wayne State University, and Kristin L. Arola, Michigan Technological University

Activity Objective:

In this tutorial, you will explore the use of color in visual composition.

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© 2018 Macmillan Learning

Color: Define

A color scale shows shades of gray and black.

Color can be extremely helpful when determining emphasis in a visual text. Color doesn't have to mean red, orange, or blue—black and white are colors too. Visual emphasis can be accorded to how bold or large, or how much black compared to the white or gray background, is used.

Color: Define

A color scale shows shades of  yellow, orange, red, and pink.

Warm colors such as reds and oranges command more attention than cooler colors like blues and greens. Warm colors are usually read as more emotionally intense—think fire, sun, and summer—and are used to elicit emotional reactions in audiences.

Color: Define

A color scale shows shades of green and blue.

We tend to associate cool colors like blues and greens with water, leaves, cool temperatures, and the sky. Cool colors are usually read as calming and are used to create less emphasis than warm colors in a visual composition.

Color: Analyze

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Credit: Wanna Work Together? by Creative Commons is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license.

Analyzing a text for color means noticing not only what colors are being used, but to what effect. Do the colors create a certain mood or feeling? Do they work to emphasize a particular element? Or do they work to highlight certain elements on the page in relation to each other? Watch the first part of this Creative Commons video. Notice the colors being used and then think about how they help you understand the message of the video.

Color: Analyze

A photo shows open palms with a green circle placed in the middle.

When the green ball is first introduced, it not only adds visual interest to an otherwise drab color palette, but also provides a focal point. The bright color draws our attention and encourages us to follow the green throughout the subsequent frames.

Color: Analyze

A photo shows a teacher holding a green circle in her hands above her head.

Let's take a closer look at how color works to draw and direct our attention by examining three frames from the video. They come one after the other in the short span of three seconds. In the first shot, our eyes are drawn to the green circle above the teacher’s head. Because our attention is drawn to the circle, we are likely to read the words “What is an IDEA?” written on the chalkboard. The color draws our eye to the teacher and to the written words. As we watch the circle move above the teacher’s head, we hear the narrator say, “Take the teacher, who shapes young minds with work and wisdom from around the globe.”

Color: Analyze

A photo shows a group of students looking at a teacher who has is standing with open arms. A large green circle is surrounding the teacher.

At this moment, the green circle becomes much larger and gives a quick impression of a globe. It also comes to represent the ideas the teacher shares with her students. The narrator then says, “. . . and the artist, who builds beauty out of bits and pieces she finds online.” Notice how when the word “artist” is said, the green circle multiplies.

Color: Analyze

A photo shows a group of students looking at a teacher who is standing with open arms. A large green circle is surrounding the teacher. Small green circles are shown lighting up in every student’s head.

In this third screenshot the green circles draw us to the teacher’s students; we are to assume they signify the creators of the bits and pieces of online content that the artist is remixing. In this quick span of time, the color green draws our eye from the teacher, to the world of ideas, to the students and artists themselves.

Color: Analyze

Three photos are shown in a row. The first photo shows a teacher holding a green circle in her hands above her head. The second photo shows a group of students looking at the teacher who is standing with open arms. A large green circle is surrounding the teacher. The third photo shows a large green circle surrounding the teacher and small green circles lighting up every student’s head.

The use of one color throughout the piece effectively signals the flow of information and the way that students and artists receive and remix it.

Color: Respond

A black and white photo shows a small girl choosing a dress from a wardrobe.

Work through the following questions to think about how color works in a visual text.

Color: Respond

A black and white photo shows a small girl choosing a dress from a wardrobe.

Use the space below to answer the following questions.


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Color: Respond

A photo shows a small girl choosing a dress from wardrobe.

Use the space below to answer the following questions.


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Color: Respond

A pink tinted photo shows a small girl choosing a dress from a wardrobe.
A blue tinted photo shows a small girl choosing a dress from a wardrobe.

Use the space below to answer the following questions.


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