Pre-Test for Critical Reading

1. Read the following passage from “The Most Dangerous Job” by Eric Schlosser:

The path has hairpin turns that prevent cattle from seeing what’s in store and keep them relaxed. As the ramp gently slopes upward, the animals may think they’re headed for another truck, another road trip-and they are, in unexpected ways. The ramp widens as it reaches ground level and then leads to a large cattle pen with wooden fences, a corral that belongs in a meadow, not here. As I walk along the fence, a group of cattle approach me, looking me straight in the eye, like dogs hoping for a treat, and follow me out of some mysterious impulse. I stop and try to absorb the whole scene: the cool breeze, the cattle and their gentle lowing, a cloudless sky, steam rising from the plant in the moonlight. And then I notice that the building does have one window, a small square of light on the second floor. It offers a glimpse of what’s hidden behind this huge blank facade. Through the little window you can see bright red carcasses on hooks, going round and round.

Work Cited

Schossler, Eric. “The Most Dangerous Job.” Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2001. 169-192. Print.

What is the tone of this passage?



Pre-Test for Critical Reading - Question 1

2. What is the tone of the following passage?

Some people do not understand the dangers of a credit card. They mistakenly believe that charging a purchase means paying for that purchase. However, a credit card simply gives them some time before they have to pay up. When the bill comes, an even worse alternative presents itself. Buyers are offered the possibility of making a small partial payment instead of paying in full for what they have already charged. This so-called privilege costs money, though. People have to pay high interest on the amount they postpone paying.



Pre-Test for Critical Reading - Question 2

3. What is the tone of the following passage?

In the United States, one of four children is born into poverty. The United States is the world’s wealthiest nation, but much of that wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few. The combined wealth of the top 1 percent of American families is nearly equal to that of the entire bottom 95 percent. Such obscene inequality is totally inappropriate for a democratic country.

Work Cited:

Sklar, Holly. Chaos or Community?: Seeking Solutions, Not Scapegoats for Bad Economics. Boston: South End, 1995. Print.



Pre-Test for Critical Reading - Question 3

4. Read the following paragraph by Pete Hamill.

One sad rainy morning last winter, I talked to a woman who was addicted to crack cocaine. She was twenty-two, stiletto thin, with eyes as old as tombs. She was living in two rooms in a welfare hotel with her children, who were two, three, and five years of age. Her story was the usual tangle of human woe: early pregnancy, dropping out of school, vanished men, smack and then crack, tricks with johns in parked cars to pay for the dope. I asked her why she did drugs. She shrugged in an empty way and couldn’t really answer beyond “makes me feel good.” While we talked and she told her tale of squalor, the children ignored us. They were watching television.

Work Cited:

Hamill, Pete. “Crack and the Box.” Piecework: Writings on Men and Women, Fools and Heroes, Lost Cities, Vanished Friends, Small Pleasures, Large Calamities, and How the Weather Was. Boston: Little, Brown, 1996. 99-103. Print.

Which of the following best describes the author’s approach to the woman who is his subject?



Pre-Test for Critical Reading - Question 4

5. Which of the following phrases do not contribute to the paragraph’s tone?

One sad rainy morning last winter, I talked to a woman who was addicted to crack cocaine. She was twenty-two, stiletto thin, with eyes as old as tombs. She was living in two rooms in a welfare hotel with her children, who were two, three, and five years of age. Her story was the usual tangle of human woe: early pregnancy, dropping out of school, vanished men, smack and then crack, tricks with johns in parked cars to pay for the dope. I asked her why she did drugs. She shrugged in an empty way and couldn’t really answer beyond “makes me feel good.” While we talked and she told her tale of squalor, the children ignored us. They were watching television.

Work Cited:

Hamill, Pete. “Crack and the Box.” Piecework: Writings on Men and Women, Fools and Heroes, Lost Cities, Vanished Friends, Small Pleasures, Large Calamities, and How the Weather Was. Boston: Little, Brown, 1996. 99-103. Print.



Pre-Test for Critical Reading - Question 5

6. Read the following excerpt.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, America was very different. There was no civilization: no roads, no cities, no shopping malls, no Honda dealerships. There were, of course, obnoxious shouting radio commercials for car dealerships; these have been broadcast toward Earth for billions of years by the evil Planet of Men Wearing Polyester Sport Coats, and there is nothing anybody can do to stop them. But back then, you see, there was no way to receive them, so things were pretty peaceful.

Work Cited:

Barry, Dave. Dave Barry Slept Here: A Sort of History of the United States. New York: Ballantine, 1997. Print.

What is the tone of the passage?



Pre-Test for Critical Reading - Question 6

7. Read the following passage by Mark Twain.

I still kept in mind a certain wonderful sunset which I witnessed when steamboating was new to me. A broad expanse of the river was turned to blood; in the middle distance the red hue brightened into gold, through which a solitary log came floating, black and conspicuous; in one place a long, slanting mark lay sparkling upon the water; in another the surface was broken by boiling, tumbling rings that were as many-tinted as an opal; where the ruddy flush was faintest was a smooth spot that was covered with graceful circles and radiating lines, ever so delicately traced; the shore on our left was densely wooded, and the somber shadow that fell from this forest was broken in one place by a long, ruffled trail that shone like silver; and high above the forest wall a clean-stemmed dead tree waved a single leafy bough that glowed like a flame in the unobstructed splendor that was flowing from the sun.

Work Cited:

Twain, Mark. “Two Ways of Seeing a River.” Life on the Mississippi. Memphis, TN: General, 2010. Print.

Based on his language in this passage, which statement best expresses the author’s opinion of the river?



Pre-Test for Critical Reading - Question 7

8. Based on the word choice in the following passage, which statement best expresses the author’s bias?

I recently jumped into the discussion when my dad called to say that a hunter friend had pulled up with the carcass of a freshly-killed goose -- blood, feathers, guts, and all. He said we would be cooking it for the next family dinner. To be honest, I was hesitant. I am locavore-inclined [likes to eat locally grown food] and eat domesticated fowl of all sorts -- I adore duck and am particularly fond of a lightly poached duck egg -- but there was something about eating a wild goose that made me stop. Was it that I had seen too many of them paddling around polluted lakefronts? Or maybe it was their predilection for foraging on the pesticide-saturated lawns of golf courses? It was as if the Canada Goose’s close association with human activity meant there was something unclean about them. Sure, on the one hand they were wild, but because they like to wander in all sorts of icky places, eating one of the birds sounded just as appetizing as eating a back-alley pigeon.

Work Cited:

Elton, Sarah. “My First Helping of Canada Goose.” The Atlantic. 19 Oct. 2011. Web.



Pre-Test for Critical Reading - Question 8

9. Read the passage by Sue Hubbell below.

For the past week I’ve been spending my afternoons out in the honey house getting things ready for the harvest. I’m making sure the screens are all tight because once I get started clouds of bees will surround the place and try to get in, lured by the scent of honey. I’ve been checking the machinery, repairing what isn’t running properly, and I’ve been scrubbing everything down so that the health inspector will be proud.

My honey house contains a shiny array of stainless-steel tanks, a power uncapper for slicing honeycomb open, an extractor for spinning the honey out of the comb, and a pump to move it — machinery that whirs, whomps, hums, and looks very special. My neighbors call it the honey factory, and I’m not above insinuating slyly that what I’m really running back here in the woods is a still.

Work Cited:

Hubbell, Sue. “The Beekeeper.” The New York Times. 2 Aug. 1984. Web.

Which description best fits the author’s point-of-view?



Pre-Test for Critical Reading - Question 9

10. Read the following excerpt from Garrett Hardin’s article, “Lifeboat Ethics: The Case Against Helping the Poor.”

Every human born constitutes a draft on all aspects of the environment: food, air, water, forests, beaches, wildlife, scenery, and solitude. Food can, perhaps, be significantly increased to meet a growing demand. But what about clean beaches, unspoiled forests, and solitude? If we satisfy a growing population’s need for food, we necessarily decrease its per-capita supply of the other resources needed by men.

India, for example, now has a population of 600 million, which increases by 15 million each year. This population already puts a huge load on a relatively impoverished environment. The country’s forests are now only a small fraction of what they were three centuries ago, and floods and erosion continually destroy the insufficient farmland that remains. Every one of the 15 million new lives added to India’s population puts an additional burden on the environment, and increases the economic and social costs of crowding. However humanitarian our intent, every Indian life saved through medical or nutritional assistance from abroad diminishes the quality of life for those who remain, and for subsequent generations. If rich countries make it possible, through foreign aid, for 600 million Indians to swell to 1.2 billion in a mere twenty-eight years, as their current growth rate threatens, will future generations of Indians thank us for hastening the destruction of their environment? Will our good intentions be sufficient excuse for the consequences of our actions?

Work Cited:

Hardin, Garrett. “Lifeboat Ethics: The Case Against Helping the Poor.” Psychology Today. Sept. 1974. Web.

Based on this passage, which statement best expresses the author’s opinion of giving food to nations in need?



Pre-Test for Critical Reading - Question 10