Pre-Test for Nouns and Pronouns
1. Several words in the following sentence are underlined. Choose the one that is a noun.
My sister prefers hot, black coffeeto iced or sweetened coffee.
Pre-Test for Nouns and Pronouns - Question 1
2. Several words in the following sentence are underlined. Choose the one that is a noun.
Anna has always wanted to visit a big city like Chicago.
Pre-Test for Nouns and Pronouns - Question 2
3. Which sentence has an error in a plural noun?
Pre-Test for Nouns and Pronouns - Question 3
4. Which sentence has an error in a plural noun?
Pre-Test for Nouns and Pronouns - Question 4
5. Identify the word in the following sentence that is a pronoun.
His car was too small to seat all of us.
Pre-Test for Nouns and Pronouns - Question 5
6. Identify the word in the following sentence that is a pronoun.
It took the secretary over two hours to get through everything on her agenda.
Pre-Test for Nouns and Pronouns - Question 6
7. Identify the underlined pronoun’s antecedent.
When my father is upset by the neighbor’s noise, he calls them.
Pre-Test for Nouns and Pronouns - Question 7
8. Identify the underlined pronoun’s antecedent.
I respect astronauts because of their dedication to science and bravery.
Pre-Test for Nouns and Pronouns - Question 8
9. What type of pronoun is underlined in the following sentence?
Which of these colors goes best with green?
Pre-Test for Nouns and Pronouns - Question 9
10. What type of pronoun is underlined in the following sentence?
Everything that can go wrong today has: I slept through my alarm, missed the bus, and was late to work.
Pre-Test for Nouns and Pronouns - Question 10