Nouns are words for people, places, things, or ideas. The spelling of a noun varies by number (singular or plural), if it is proper (capitalized), and if it showing possession (with at least an apostrophe).
Nouns can be used in different parts of sentence; they can be subjects, predicates, objects of prepositions, and more.
Because they are closely related, this unit also introduces pronouns. Pronouns replace nouns. To replace them, pronouns must match nouns in several ways. Pronouns are covered in more depth in a separate unit.
This video identifies nouns and describes how they change spelling; it also provides brief overview of pronouns.
Nouns change spelling to indicate how many people, places, things, or ideas are meant. When there is just one (1), the noun is singular, and its spelling does not change. When there are two or more (2+), the noun is plural, and its spelling changes. Most plural nouns add –s at the end; for example, page becomes pages. Nouns also change spelling to show possession, which is covered in another unit.
Most nouns are common nouns, which do not refer to a specific person, place, thing, or idea and are not capitalized. Common nouns include agent, resort, computer, and justice.
Nouns that do refer to a specific person, place, thing, or idea are called proper nouns and are capitalized. Proper nouns include Agent Ethan Hunt, Walt Disney World Resort, and Apple.
Nouns are used in different parts of the sentence, and other units address common errors related to nouns:
Pronouns replace nouns and can also be used in several parts of sentences. For example, pronouns are italicized in the following sentence:
I forgot my phone charger, which was plugged in where no one in her right mind could ignore it while packing—
Each pronoun represents a different type:
The good news is that very rarely will you be asked to label the type of pronoun being used as demonstrated above; rather, you will just be expected to choose the correct one. The resources in this unit and in the pronouns unit provide the resources needed to avoid the common errors with pronouns.
The study pages provide more details about nouns and pronouns. As you read you through the study pages and then practice with LearningCurve, try to ask these questions:
Paying attention to nouns and pronouns will help you on the post-
Don’t forget to work smartly!