Wordiness means that you are using more words than are necessary to convey your meaning clearly and concisely. Wordiness often arises when a writer uses overly complex phrasings in an attempt to sound professional.
The video shows how four different strategies reduce wordiness in a paragraph.
In most cases, wordiness is not grammatically incorrect. Even so, it is best to aim for clear, direct writing.
Inflated phrases, such as at this point in time and due to the fact that, are wordy and distract from your meaning. Delete these phrases and replace them with simpler words like now and because.
Sentences and clauses that begin with expressions like there is, there are, there were, and there has been usually lead to wordiness. When possible, revise these constructions by opening the sentence or clause with a clear subject.
Reduce wordiness by deleting redundant words. For example, soft to the touch is redundant; soft sufficiently conveys the meaning.
Avoid unnecessary words, especially adjectives such as really and very.
Careful word choice and concision can help writers gain readers’ interest and keep their attention.
The study pages explain in more detail how to evaluate your word choices.
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