Table :


StageCommunication GoalMentor ResponsibilitiesProtégé Responsibilities
InitiationGet to know one another
  • Show support through counseling and coaching
  • Help protégé set goals
  • Demonstrate openness to suggestions and loyalty to the mentor
CultivationForm a mutually beneficial bond
  • Promote the protégé throughout the organization (for example, by introducing him or her to influential people)
  • Communicate knowledge about how to work best with key people and what the organization’s culture is
  • Put new learning to use (for example, by forging relationships with influential people)
  • Share personal perspective and insights with mentor
SeparationDrift apart as protégé gains skill
  • Spend less time with protégé
  • Take more initiative in the organization
  • Strive for development or promotion
RedefinitionBecome peers
  • Occasionally provide advice or support as needed
  • Stay in touch with mentor at times if additional advice is required