Table :


Source: O’Hair, Stewart, & Rubenstein (2012), tab. 13.2, p. 211. Adapted with permission.

Delivery CuePurposeExample That May Appear in Your Outline
TransitionA segue from one topic or idea to another; might be a simple reminder that you’re changing tone here or a specific example or story that takes the speech from one topic to another
  • [TRANSITION: Use dog story!]
Timing and speaking rateA reminder to use a specific speaking rate, either for emphasis or to quell anxiety
  • [Slow down here]
  • [Speed up here]
  • [Repeat for emphasis]
Volume and nonverbal behaviorA reminder to raise or lower your voice at particular points in your speech or to use particular gestures or body movements for emphasis
  • [Louder]
  • [Softly]
  • [Thump on podium]
  • [Count out on fingers]
SourcesSources for cited material
  • [Dowd, M. (2007, May 23). Pass the clam dip. The New York Times.]
StatisticsStatistics for reference, with source
  • [U.S. Census Bureau: 64% of voting-age citizens voted in 2004, 60% in 2000]
QuotationsExact wording of a quotation you plan to use
  • [Dwight D. Eisenhower:“I’ve always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.”]
PronunciationsPhonetic reminders for difficult-to-pronounce names or words
  • [Hermione (her-MY-uh-nee)]
  • [Kiribati (kee-ree-BAHSS)]
Visual aidsReminder when to incorporate particular visual aids
  • [Census chart]
  • [Show model]