Evaluating and Choosing Solutions

Once EcoCrew has generated its list of possible solutions, group members have to evaluate the pros and cons of each idea to consider how well it meets the criteria the members have defined. For example, one member, Kathryn, points out that the lack of funding makes replacing the garbage cans out of the question and would make an antilitter advertising campaign difficult, if not impossible. Wade notes that organizing a beach cleanup would cost next to nothing: they could all volunteer to get together to pick up garbage and clean up the beach. Larissa adds that if they get the word out, they’d also be able to attract additional volunteers—and potential new members—from outside the group to participate. Thus the group decides to launch a monthly beach cleanup: a regular social event to raise awareness of the group, encourage nonmembers to participate and new members to join, and involve little to nothing in terms of cost.

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