Keep It Simple

Albert Einstein once advised, “Make everything as simple as possible, but no simpler.” This applies to language: speakers and writers who use unfamiliar or inappropriately complex language are not as effective as those who speak directly and in terms that their audience can readily understand and interpret. You don’t need to “dumb down” your points; just make your points in a language that is clear, simple, and unambiguous so that your audience can follow what you are saying. In addition, there is no speaker quite as dreaded as the long-winded speaker who repeats the same points or uses six examples where one would suffice. (Admit it—we’ve all sat through speeches like this!) If you keep your speech short and to the point, you’ll have a better chance of reaching your audience with your intended message.



Have you ever been part of an audience that had to sit through a speech when the speaker failed to use language the audience easily understood? Do you remember anything important from this speech—or even its main point? How did you feel during the speech?