Chapter 1 Activities

  1. Question

    Take a look at the table “The Broad Field of Communication Research Today” on p. 29 of the text. What types of careers do you think will be open to you if you choose to major in communication or specialize in one of these areas?
    Take a look at the table “The Broad Field of Communication Research Today” on p. 29 of the text. What types of careers do you think will be open to you if you choose to major in communication or specialize in one of these areas?
  2. Question

    Rewrite the student’s e-mail provided in the Wired for Communication box on p. 17. How might your e-mail be more effective and appropriate than the sample given?
    Rewrite the student’s e-mail provided in the Wired for Communication box on p. 17. How might your e-mail be more effective and appropriate than the sample given?