Wired for Communication: Speaking in Code



Speaking in Code

There’s a large contingent of educators and parents who think the key to securing a good-paying job after college lies with learning a foreign language. Envisioning a future in which China leads the world’s economy, they push school boards to teach Mandarin or enroll their children in extracurricular immersion courses (McDonald, 2012). But what if there were another language just as likely to lead to fruitful employment, one that applied to just about every existing and emerging industry that not only could be taught in schools but also learned at home for little cost? And what if that language, already in use around the world, were based primarily on English?

That language—well, technically, those languages, since there are many—is computer code. Code essentially refers to the directions given to a computer to make it do what you want it to do. The apps you use to play games on your phone, the programs that spit out your credit card bill each month, the tools that small businesses use to manage supply chains and payroll, even the sensor that dings in your car when you forget to buckle up, all run on code. In every industry, from information tech to communications, manufacturing to agriculture, and food service to shipping, computers and code play a role. The most popular computer languages (like Ruby, Python, and C++) are “spoken” in just about every technologically advanced country, even though these languages are, by and large, based on English language keywords. But most Americans—even the digital natives who were raised on technology—simply don’t know how to code, and so employers find themselves duking it out to hire the ones who do. “Our policy is literally to hire as many talented engineers as we can find,” notes Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. “There just aren’t enough people who are trained and have these skills today” (Zuckerberg, 2013). Others are careful to point out that coding is not just for engineers or engineering majors. It’s a skill that will benefit anyone in just about any job. Huffington Post CTO John Pavley points out that even for nontech types, coding can open doors to satisfying work. “[N]on-technical people can learn to code, which will open doors to better jobs and a richer understanding of the rapidly changing world around us, where computer chips and software are finding their way into every aspect of our lives” (Pavley, 2013).

Pavley likens the divide between those who can and cannot code to the low levels of literacy during the Dark Ages, when the written word, along with the power it conferred, was the provenance of only a small elite. But there is a movement to bring the power of code to the masses. Organizations like CodeAcademy and Code.org advocate making more computer science courses available to students from kindergarten through high school and offer free coding lessons online for anyone interested in learning a programming language at home (Wingfield, 2013). Some even suggest making learning code an educational requirement along the lines of, or even in place of, a foreign language (Koerner, 2013). Other nations have already taken that step. Multilingual education may take on a whole new meaning.

Think About This

  1. In communication terms, what kind of code is code? Is it a language like English or Mandarin? Is it verbal communication or something else entirely?


    In communication terms, what kind of code is code? Is it a language like English or Mandarin? Is it verbal communication or something else entirely?
  2. Should schools require students to learn code the same way most schools require them to learn a foreign language? If computer languages can be learned fairly easily with a book via a Web-based class, why might it be important to offer them in schools?


    Should schools require students to learn code the same way most schools require them to learn a foreign language? If computer languages can be learned fairly easily with a book via a Web-based class, why might it be important to offer them in schools?
  3. Is the dominance of English in the programming world significant? What meaning might it carry in non-English-speaking contexts?


    Is the dominance of English in the programming world significant? What meaning might it carry in non-English-speaking contexts?
  4. Consider your envisioned field of study and the career you hope to pursue after college. Do you think having some knowledge of computer code would be helpful for you?


    Consider your envisioned field of study and the career you hope to pursue after college. Do you think having some knowledge of computer code would be helpful for you?
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