Effective Listening Creates Opportunities

HOW WILL your real estate agent help you find your dream home if he doesn’t listen to and comprehend your desire for high ceilings and hardwood floors? Juice Images/Punchstock/Getty Images

Good listeners don’t just avoid mistakes; they also find opportunities that others might miss. A real estate agent who listens to what a young couple is looking for in their first home and comprehends their financial constraints will more likely find them the right home. An entrepreneur who listens to fellow diners at a popular restaurant complain that no place in town serves vegetarian fare might find an opportunity for a new business. Even writing a textbook like the one you are reading involves listening. As authors, we must listen to our peers (who help us decide what topics and scholarship to include), to students (who help us identify what examples and issues in the manuscript are most relevant), and to our editors (who help us make the material more clear and engaging).

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