Money, Family, and Paying the Bills
You have a pretty good relationship with your parents, but money has also been a source of conflict with them. You’re the first in your family to attend college, and you’re working twenty hours a week (and full time during the summer) to contribute toward your living expenses and tuition. You’ve taken out a hefty amount of money in student loans as well. You know that money is tight for your parents, and you are grateful for the help that they can provide. Your mother, for example, sends generous packages of food, and your father and stepmother pay for your car insurance. But money is still a constant concern for you.
Recently, you discovered that you could qualify for a particular scholarship and a grant—
Either way you look at it, your relationship with your father has been affected. If you do declare yourself independent, you will lose his assistance and gain his wrath. If you don’t, you will resent him deeply for causing you additional financial stress. You want to repair your relationship with him . . . but how?