High Contact Culture



In this scene James seems a bit unprepared for the enthusiastic greeting he receives from Kostas. Briefly describe what surprised James about his introduction to Kostas.

Student responses might describe Kostas kissing James on the cheek as unusual and that Kostas put his arm around James’s shoulder when they had just been introduced, as these behaviors seem to suggest more intimacy in the United States than they do in a high human contact culture.


In what ways could someone like Kostas, who is accustomed to high human contact, misinterpret the behaviors of a person accustomed to low human contact?

Student responses might explain that low human contact norms could be misinterpreted as reflecting standoffish, aloof, cold, disinterested, or superior attitudes.


Describe a time when you felt awkward about how to appropriately greet someone.

Student responses might describe instances when someone wished to kiss them or hug them and they were not inclined to have that much contact. They may describe feeling uncomfortable about how long or with what strength they should shake someone’s hand.
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