Low Context Culture



In this scene what specifically seems strange to the woman who has received an invitation to a party and why does it seem strange to her?

Student answers should indicate that she finds it strange that an invitation would specify when a party is over because in her culture (the Dominican Republic) it would be considered rude to announce a time when guests should leave.


Identify two other ways a low context invitation might clarify what guests are expected to do if they come to a social event.

Although answers may vary, student responses may include examples such as invitations indicating how the guests are expected to dress for a party, or if they are expected to bring a gift or contribute to the food or beverages. Further, the invitation may indicate whether or not children are welcome.


How would a person from a low context culture indicate, for example, that it is not appropriate to speak loudly or be disruptive in a library?

Although answers may vary, student responses could include simply going directly to a person and telling them that they must be quiet or leave the library. Or, they may suggest that signs could be posted on the walls of a library telling people how they are expected to behave. Or, students may say that children are taught at an early age what is tolerated and not tolerated in a library setting.
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