Chapter . What About You? Assess Your Listening Style


What About You?

what about you? Assess Your Listening Style

The following statements describe the ways some people think and behave when they are in various listening situations. Please indicate in the space at the left of each item the degree to which you believe the statement applies to you, using the following five-point scale: 1 = not like me at all; 2 = somewhat unlike me; 3 = neither like me nor unlike me; 4 = somewhat like me; and 5 = very much like me.



1. I am frustrated when others don’t present their ideas in an orderly, efficient way.


2. I prefer to listen to technical information.


3. I focus my attention on other people’s feelings when listening to them.


4. When hurried, I let others know that I have a limited amount of time to listen.


5. When listening to others, I focus on any inconsistencies and/or errors in what’s being said.


6. I prefer to hear facts and evidence so I can personally evaluate them.


7. When listening to others, I quickly notice if they are pleased or disappointed.


8. I begin a discussion by telling others how long I have to meet.


9. I often jump ahead and/or finish the thoughts of speakers.


10. I like the challenge of listening to complex information.


11. I become involved when listening to the problems of others.


12. I interrupt others when I feel pressured by time.


13. I am impatient with people who ramble on during conversations.


14. I ask questions to probe for additional information.


15. I nod my head and/or use eye contact to show interest in what others are saying.


16. I look at my watch or clocks in the room when I have limited time to listen to others.


what about you? Assess Your Listening Style

You are an action-oriented listener who focuses on tasks and organizes things into themes.

You are a content-oriented listener who carefully evaluates what you hear.

You are a people-oriented listener who listens with relationships in mind.

You are a time-oriented listener who is concerned with efficiency.

You did not score high in any of the listening styles.

Note: Like many people, you may score high on a number of these styles. This may contribute to your behavioral flexibility if you are able to use the listening behaviors that are most effective and appropriate for the person and situation.

Source: Adapted from Bodie, Worthington, and Gearhart (2013).