Evaluating Communication Ethics
The Distracted Notetaker

Read the passage below and check your comprehension by answering the following questions. Then “submit” your work.

You and Tania are close friends. You went to high school together and are now attending the same college. Although you are majoring in different subjects, you often take your general education classes together. You frequently compare lecture notes and study together.

In one of your classes, you notice that at every lecture, Tania pops open her laptop and opens her notes file for the class. But she also opens an Internet browser and logs on to Facebook to glance through her news feed. On another tab, she shops for flowers for her grandmother’s birthday. When the professor starts lecturing, Tania clicks back to her notes and looks up at the front of the classroom. But this is only for a short time—after copying down the text that appears on the professor’s PowerPoint slide, she is back to Facebook and flowers until the next slide appears on the classroom screen. Tania also snaps a quick selfie of the two of you sitting together and uploads it on Instagram with the caption, “Besties in Anthro!” She then checks her phone several times to see how many likes and comments her selfie is getting. It is difficult to stay attentive during lecture when you are watching the flickering of Tania’s laptop and phone screens. But you try dilligently to listen carefully to your professor and take detailed notes. You also participate in class discussion. You nudge Tania to get her to look up from her devices, but she just smiles and continues until there is a new PowerPoint slide to copy into her notes.

When it comes time to study for the midterm, Tania (as usual) wants to study together. “I don’t understand this,” she says, looking at her notes. “I’ve been to every lecture, but this still doesn’t make sense. What do you think it means?” As you think about how to answer, Tania checks her phone for likes and comments.


1. How do you answer Tania? Do you share the detailed notes you took? Do you mention how she has been spending most of the term engrossed with her digital devices rather than paying attention
2. How do you manage to pay attention in class while students have flickering laptop images nearby? If you take notes on a computer, how do you avoid the temptation to use your laptop for nonacademic uses during class, such as online shopping or social media?
3. Would it be reasonable for your professor to ban laptops in class so that all students get equal access to the information? Why or why not?