Evaluating Communication Ethics
More Than Friends at Work

Read the passage below and check your comprehension by answering the following questions. Then “submit” your work.

You have begun to notice that two colleagues at work, Cheryl and Michael, are spending an inordinate amount of time together. It is clear that they are romantically involved. Because they work together on several projects, it is natural that they spend a lot of time together; however, their conduct during working hours is affecting your department’s performance and forcing you and your colleagues to work harder. You have approached Michael about it, noting that “people are beginning to notice” how much time he spends with Cheryl. They cooled it for a few days after that, but gradually returned to their old behavior.

Although the company has a policy requiring employees to disclose any romantic relationships between coworkers, you disagree with it, thinking it is an invasion of privacy. But you also know that Michael and Cheryl’s goofing off is starting to affect their work: both have missed deadlines. Making matters worse, their relationship has become a hot topic of gossip, distracting other members of your team from getting their work done. How should you handle this situation?


1. What is the issue here, Cheryl and Michael’s relationship or their behavior? If they acted more professionally, would their romantic relationship matter?
2. How does your opinion of the company policy factor into your decision? Does your coworkers’ flirtation change your opinion?
3. How could you get Cheryl and Michael to change their behavior? Is going to human resources a reasonable option?