Navigating the Digital Landscape

Our world is increasingly digital. Each day, we rely on a number of digital tools to communicate in our personal, professional, and academic lives. Below are five key themes for understanding the contours of our new digital world, along with references to the key concepts in this book that will help you use digital technology in an intentional, professional, and healthy way.


Number of Smartphone Users Worldwide from 2016 to 2021
YearNumber of Users
20162.5 billion
2017 2.7 billion
2018 2.9 billion
2019 3.2 billion
2020 3.5 billion (forecast)
2021 3.8 billion (forecast)


How have smartphones changed interpersonal communication? How might they continue to alter the course of communication in the future? For more info on this topic, see page 28; and in LauchPad see Chapter 2, Communication across Cultures: Mobile Apps Compete for World Influence.

Social Media

Most Widely Used Social Media Platforms amoung U.S. Adults in 2019
Platform Percentage of U.S. Adults
YouTube 73%
Facebook 69%
Instagram 37%
Pinterest 28%
LinkedIn 27%
Snapchat 24%
Twitter 22%
WhatsApp 20%
Reddit 11%


Of these most widely used platforms, which do you think will stand the test of time? What does this say about our communication preferences? For more info on this topic, see page 29; and in LaunchPad see Chapter 2, Phishing video activity.

Media Effects

Online Harrasment: A Reality for All Ages


In what ways does the anonymity of the internet leave its users open to harassment? What advice would you give to a teen or adult struggling with harassment online? For more info on this topic, see page 40; and in LaunchPad see Chaper 9, Trolling video activity.

Data Privacy

Lack of Confidence in the Safety of Our Data


What steps can digital communicators take to protect their private data? For more info on this topic, see page 35; and in LaunchPad see Chapter 2, Phishing video activity.

Working in a Digital Era

Diversity Concerns in the Tech Industry


If you were an employer in the tech industry, what steps might you take to provide equal opportunities for women and people of color? For more info on this topic, see page 9; and in LaunchPad see Chapter 12, Protégé video activity.