When Conflict Goes Viral
A reclining airline passenger records the man in the seat behind her repeatedly punching her headrest. The video goes viral and a raging debate begins on Twitter and in the news media about which passenger is in the wrong and what kind of behavior is proper on an airplane. Weighing in are editorials about the inherent rudeness of reclining in such a tight space (Elliott, 2020) against others arguing that the seats were designed to recline, and that responding by punching was clearly inappropriate aggressive behavior (Froelich, 2020).
When a controversial post (whether video, photo, or statement) goes viral, the ensuing public storm can bring attention to issues that might need addressing — perhaps airlines should give more guidance to passengers (or more space) or develop better techniques for diffusing tension among passengers. But public battles can also quickly get ugly, as people take sides and hurl insults and, in some cases, pose intimidating threats. When people find a post offensive, an uprising of virtual pitchforks may erupt on social media, including calls for the person to be fired from their job. Some cultural scholars argue that “calling out” offensive behavior, such as sexist or racist remarks, is an important avenue for social justice; it is an opportunity for those with less societal power to voice their objections to the behavior of influential celebrities or public officials (Romano, 2019). Other scholars, however, argue that public shaming has become a “toxic” practice, because “self-appointed guardians” of political or moral purity “attempt to expunge anyone with whom they do not perfectly agree” (Ross, 2019). People with good intentions to call attention to inappropriate behaviors may also do so without consideration of all of the facts or the context (Sundar, 2020). And even the quest for justice can turn into barbarism if it is not infused with a quality of mercy, an awareness of human frailty and a path to redemption
(Brooks, 2019).