11.2.2 self-QUIZ: What Kind of Friend Are You?

What Kind of Friend Are You?

Think about how you communicate with, relate to, and behave toward your friends. Then place a check mark next to the statements with which you agree and total the number you have marked. Check your score at the bottom.

I strive to always maintain equal give-and-take in my friendships.

I’m the kind of person my friends can talk with about anything and feel relaxed around.

I think like my friends do and share a similar sense of humor with them.

I don’t hold my friends’ mistakes against them.

I can be trusted by my friends to keep a secret.

I’m honest with my friends; I don’t lie or hold things back.

I can be serious with my friends, and I don’t make fun of them when they want to talk about difficult issues.

I’m considerate about my friends’ feelings, and I don’t do spiteful things.

I can take care of myself, and I have my own ideals and beliefs apart from my friends’.

I respect my friends’ needs for privacy.

I encourage my friends when they’re up, and I cheer them up when they’re down.

I’m generous toward my friends and not self-centered.

I’m fun to be around when I’m with my friends.

I have an upbeat personality and stress the positive side of things when communicating with my friends.

I always keep my promises to friends.

Note: This Self-Quiz is adapted from Maeda and Ritchie (2003).