1.3.5 Self-Quiz: The Dark Side of Interpersonal Relationships

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The Dark Side of Interpersonal Relationships

Read the following phrases describing relationship challenges. Place a check mark next to each challenge that you believe you could address by improving your interpersonal communication skills. Then read the instructions below to interpret your score.

Feeling plagued by the sense that you’re not the kind of person you should be or that others expect you to be

Thinking of and treating others in a negative, stereotypical fashion

Dealing with unwanted anger in ways that avoid chronic hostility and aggression

Managing grief related to the loss of a loved one

Feeling extreme fear and anxiety when interacting with others

Managing people who are verbally and physically aggressive toward you

Reducing the likelihood of violence during interpersonal conflicts

Managing romantic jealousy in yourself and your partners

Dealing with betrayal in friendship relationships

Coping with parental favoritism shown toward a sibling

Responding effectively to abuse from a coworker or supervisor