8.4.2 self-QUIZ: How Do You Approach Conflict?

How Do You Approach Conflict?

Read through the statements, placing a check mark next to each statement with which you agree.


keep my feelings about the disagreement to myself.

avoid open discussion of the dispute.

stay away from the topic of disagreement.

avoid any type of unpleasant exchange.


accommodate the other person’s wishes.

give in to the other person’s desires.

go along with the other person’s suggestions.

pretend to agree just to satisfy the other person’s expectations.


try to convince the other person that I’m right.

take control so that the decision goes in my favor.

pursue my side of the issue.

use my power to win.


explode violently with anger.

say things that I know will hurt the other person.

scream or yell loudly and throw things.

accuse the other person of wrongdoing.


investigate the issue of dispute to find a solution acceptable to both parties.

try to work with the other person to find solutions that satisfy both our expectations.

exchange information with the other person so we can solve the problem together.

bring all of our concerns out in the open so the issue can be resolved.

Note: Adapted from Rahim and Mager (1995); Zacchilli, Hendrick, and Hendrick (2009).