Young Woman: I know that when you look at me now, you're not sure who you're looking at. Trust me, I do the same thing. I can't tell you how many times I've passed by a mirror, caught my reflection, and gone, wow, that girl is in desperate need of a makeover. But it's important to me that you understand that my transformation goes way beyond appearance. It's hard for me to explain or to put into words, but I'll try.

All of my life, I felt like I haven't had a purpose, like, what am I doing here? So I covered it up by partying, shopping, and mocking people who didn't have my fabulous fashion sense. Basically, I was skimming through the surface.

It's like, in Malawi, I would sometimes take the kids to a nearby lake, and we would find flat rocks and skim them over the water. Bounce, bounce, bounce-- sink. That's what I felt like before. I felt like I was just skimming, bouncing, and ultimately sinking.

But now, everything's different. I just spent two years living with people who can't afford sufficient food or basic medical care, let alone iPhones or designer jeans. No malls, no TV, unreliable internet. I've seen what life is really about, and skimming through it is no longer an option for me. Those things that were so important-- they don't matter. And I can't go back to who I was.

But here's the thing. When I look forward, I want you to be with me. Life is so full of amazing opportunities. I feel like you get that. The others-- honestly, I don't care.

You were always the one that got me. You remember what we went through with your mom? And you were the only one who stayed in touch when I was gone. Can you imagine John wanting to talk about managing sanitation or vaccinating kids?

I know I've been away for a while and that this change in me is really intense, but my feelings towards you haven't changed. I've always thought of you as one of my closest friends, and I'm hoping you feel the same.