Man: I'm really tired of carrying this around in my head, and I'm even more tired of feeling guilty about it, since I haven't done anything wrong. This may hurt your feelings, but Pau and I have been hooking up. It happened a few weeks ago. That night that you hassled me about how you couldn't get in touch with me? You can be so ridiculously needy sometimes. It drives me nuts. I ran into Pau and we got to talking and, let's face it, Pau so hot. And one thing just led to another and it just happened. Of course, it happened a few more times, too, but that's just because Pau couldn't get enough of me.

Pau doesn't put all this pressure on me to commit. I mean, where do you get off trying to plan my life? I mean, all your talk about being together forever and being soul mates-- I'm way too young to be thinking like that. I mean, I like you, and I love you and everything, but forever? Really? I figure you're all mad at me now and I can already hear you saying, how could you do this? How could you betray me? Hello, note to self? You need to get a life. I mean, it's not like we're married or anything. I mean, I never told you that you couldn't sleep with other people, right?

You're probably going to want to break up with me over this, but that would just be stupid. You know as well as I do that you've never had anyone as good as me, and you won't find anybody better. So what you need to do is just have your little fuss and get over it. If you want to go out and hook up with somebody as payback, whatever. That's fine. But I do like being with you and we've had some great times together. So I hope you can get past your hurt feelings and we can move on and start having fun again.