Chapter 1 Self-Quiz: Test Your Self-Monitoring

Chapter 1. Chapter 1 Self-Quiz: Test Your Self-Monitoring

1.1 Quiz

self-QUIZ: Test Your Self-Monitoring

Test Your Self-Monitoring

Choose “Yes” for the statements you agree with, and choose “No” for the statements you disagree with.

Please note that your score for this activity will not be recorded unless your instructor has assigned the activity.


I find it easy to imitate others’ behavior.

When I’m uncertain how to act during an interpersonal encounter, I look to others’ behaviors for cues.

I would probably make a good actor.

In different situations and with different people, I often act like a very different person.

Even if I’m not enjoying myself, I often behave as if I’m having a good time.

I find it easy to change my behavior to suit different people and situations.

I sometimes appear to others to be experiencing deeper emotions than I really am.

I’m pretty good at making other people like me.

I’m not always the person I appear to be.


self-QUIZ: Test Your Self-Monitoring Results

Total Number of “Yes” answers:

If you answered Yes to 0–4 of the statements, you’re probably a low self-monitor.

If you answered Yes to 5–9 of the statements, you’re probably a high self-monitor.