Read the following statements and decide if you consider each behavior harmless, uncertain, or severe sexual harassment.
Please note that your score for this activity will not be recorded unless your instructor has assigned the activity.
Note: Items in this Self-Quiz are adapted from Blakely, Blakely, and Moorman (1995).
Your supervisor touches or pats your private parts.
Your supervisor requests sexual favors in exchange for rewards and perks.
Your supervisor repeatedly asks you out on a date, even after you make it clear you’re not interested.
Your supervisor makes sexually suggestive remarks or gestures to you.
Your supervisor shows you sexually suggestive visuals.
Your supervisor tells you sexually oriented jokes.
Your supervisor tells sexually explicit jokes in your proximity.
Your supervisor asks you to run a personal errand.
Your supervisor touches or pats nonsexual parts of your body.
Your supervisor asks you for a date.
Your supervisor pays for your meal.
Your supervisor helps you with physically demanding work.
Most people rate statements 1 through 3 as severe, statements 4 through 7 as uncertain, and statements 8 through 12 as harmless. How does your perception compare?