Self-Quiz: Test Your Knowledge of Conversational Patterns


Self-Quiz: Test Your Knowledge of Conversational Patterns

One essential aspect of being a competent verbal communicator is knowing what things to say when, during a first-meeting conversation with a new acquaintance. To test your initial interaction skills, identify when would be the most appropriate place in the conversation to say the following things: toward the beginning, middle, or end of the conversation.

Please note that your score for this activity will not be recorded unless your instructor has assigned the activity.

Question 1

When would be the most appropriate place in the conversation to say the following, “What’s your major?”

Question 2

When would be the most appropriate place in the conversation to say the following, “I’ve really enjoyed meeting and chatting with you like this!”

Question 3

When would be the most appropriate place in the conversation to say the following, “I love your jacket—where did you get it?”

Question 4

When would be the most appropriate place in the conversation to say the following, “Can you believe how much snow we’ve gotten this winter?”

Question 5

When would be the most appropriate place in the conversation to say the following, “It’s getting late, and I have to go pick up my roommate.”

Question 6

When would be the most appropriate place in the conversation to say the following, “What’s your favorite movie of all time?”

Question 7

When would be the most appropriate place in the conversation to say the following, “I’m taking this class because it’s required. What about you?”

Question 8

When would be the most appropriate place in the conversation to say the following, “Are you doing anything this weekend? It would be fun to hang out again.”

Question 9

When would be the most appropriate place in the conversation to say the following, “I’m doing all right. How’s it going with you?”