Think about how you communicate with, relate to, and behave toward your friends. Then select “Yes” for the statements you agree with, and select “No” for the statements you disagree with.
Please note that your score for this activity will not be recorded unless your instructor has assigned the activity.
Note: This Self-Quiz uses information from Maeda, E., & Ritchie, L. D. (2003). The concept of Shinyuu in Japan: A replication of and comparison to Cole and Bradac’s study on U.S. friendship. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 20, 579–598.
I strive to always maintain equal give-and-take in my friendships.
I’m the kind of person my friends can talk with about anything and feel relaxed around.
I think like my friends do and share a similar sense of humor with them.
I don’t hold my friends’ mistakes against them.
I can be trusted by my friends to keep a secret.
I’m honest with my friends; I don’t lie or hold things back.
I can be serious with my friends, and I don’t make fun of them when they want to talk about difficult issues.
I’m considerate about my friends’ feelings, and I don’t do spiteful things.
I can take care of myself, and I have my own ideals and beliefs apart from my friends’.
I respect my friends’ needs for privacy.
I encourage my friends when they’re up, and I cheer them up when they’re down.
I’m generous toward my friends and not self-centered.
I’m fun to be around when I’m with my friends.
I have an upbeat personality and stress the positive side of things when communicating with my friends.
I always keep my promises to friends.
Total Number of “Yes” answers:
These statements represent the qualities people associate with close, trustworthy, and dependable friends. If you selected “Yes” for 11 or more statements, you are an exceptionally trustworthy friend. If you selected “Yes” for 6 to 10 statements, you are moderately trustworthy. If you selected “Yes” for 5 or fewer statements, you exhibit low levels of trustworthiness.