
Writing That Tells What Something Means

Understand What Definition Is

Definition is writing that explains what a term or concept means.

Four Basics of Good Definition

  1. It tells readers what term is being defined.

  2. It presents a clear definition.

  3. It uses examples to show what the writer means.

  4. It gives details about the examples that readers will understand.

In the following paragraph, each number corresponds to one of the Four Basics of Good Definition.

1 Internet addiction is 2 chronic, compulsive use of the Internet that interferes with the addicts’ lives or their relationships with others. 3 For example, addicts may spend so much time online that they are unable to perform as expected at home, work, or school. 4 These addicts may spend hours surfing the Web, playing games, or e-mailing friends and family. 3 In more serious cases, the Internet addiction can cause financial problems, or worse. 4 For example, online shoppers who go to extremes can find themselves in debt and, as a result, damage their credit, not to mention personal relationships. 3 Still other Internet addictions involve potentially dangerous or illegal activities. 4 These activities can include meeting people online, gambling, viewing pornography, and engaging in cybersex. However, for Internet addicts, the problem usually isn’t how they use the Internet; the problem is that they cannot stop using it, even if they want to.

Many situations require you to explain the meaning of a term, particularly how you are using it.

COLLEGE On a U.S. history exam, you define the term carpetbagger.
WORK You describe a coworker as a “slacker” to a human resources staffer, and the staffer asks what you mean exactly.
EVERYDAY LIFE You explain the term fair to your child in the context of games or sports.
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