The following is excerpted from an article published by a doctor on the subject of dyslexia.
Garth Vaz
Differences between Dyslexia and ADHD
How are dyslexia and ADHD different?
The following words are italicized in the excerpt: dyslexics, misconceptions, misdiagnoses, abound, deficient, remediation, diligent, squirm, fidget, excessively, blurts, norms, alienates, shun, ostracism, labored, intervention, contemporary. If you do not know their meanings, look them up in a dictionary or online.
For decades, dyslexics have been one of the most misunderstood groups in our society. Misconceptions and misdiagnoses abound, as when dyslexics are mislabeled stupid, retarded, or lazy and placed among the mentally deficient. Many dyslexics have been placed in special education programs along with the slow learners. Later, after appropriate remediation, these same students have gone on to become educators, lawyers, and doctors. It is therefore of great importance that we be aware of the sensitive nature of dealing with these prize products of our society, our dyslexic students. We must be diligent in our efforts to help them in their struggle for success.
Such misdiagnoses are due to the lack of understanding of dyslexia and conditions such as attention-
A young person with ADHD cannot easily sit still, certainly a problem in the classroom. He or she often leaves his assigned seat, running around and attempting to climb on shelves, desks, and the like. When told firmly to remain in his seat, the child will try to obey but will squirm and fidget almost constantly, clearly in a state of agitation. He acts as if he is driven by a motor.
PAUSE: Summarize the characteristics of ADHD.
A child with ADHD often talks excessively and is unable to wait to be called on: Instead, he blurts out answers and responses. He seems to just butt into games and conversations, not observing social norms that require a give-
In contrast, a young person with dyslexia can sit still but has trouble organizing objects, belongings, and letters. She may mix up sounds, saying, for example, “plain” for “plan” or “seal” for “soul.” She may have a stutter, furthering the frustration and embarrassment she already feels.
A dyslexic child typically reads poorly, confusing the order of letters, for example, in words such as “saw” and “was.” Also, she may confuse words that have similar shapes or start and end with the same letters, as in “form” and “from” or the words cited in the last paragraph. While a dyslexic’s reading is labored, his handwriting and spelling are usually worse. All of these symptoms of dyslexia, while quite different, often result in the same ostracism and loss of self-
PAUSE: Summarize the characteristics of dyslexia.
Unfortunately, because of budgeting restrictions, dyslexics are sometimes placed among the wrong group for remediation. In order for any intervention to succeed, it must be tailored specifically for the dyslexic. There are many improved techniques now being used successfully in reading remediation that are based on the Orton-
There are many successful dyslexics in our society, some contemporary and others in the past. Albert Einstein, Benjamin Franklin, and General George Patton are a few who have made history. Athletes Bruce Jenner and Nolan Ryan and entertainers Whoopi Goldberg and Cher are among our contemporaries. Identifying with the successful dyslexic offers some hope to parents and children alike. The book Succeeding with LD is a collection of stories of successful dyslexics. The book was authored by Jill Lauren and published by Free Spirit Publishers. Each of these stories could make a book by itself but is short enough for the dyslexic to enjoy reading.
Briefly summarize Vaz’s essay, including the terms being compared or contrasted and the major similarities or differences.
What organization does Vaz use?
Why is dyslexia so often misunderstood, according to Vaz?
Why is Vaz particularly interested in dyslexia?