Cause and Effect

Writing That Explains Reasons or Results

Understand What Cause and Effect Are

A cause is what makes an event happen. An effect is what happens as a result of an event.

Four Basics of Good Cause and Effect

  1. The main point reflects the writer’s purpose — to explain causes, effects, or both.

  2. If the purpose is to explain causes, it presents real causes.

  3. If the purpose is to explain effects, it presents real effects.

  4. It gives clear and detailed examples or explanations of the causes and/or effects.

In the following paragraph, each number corresponds to one of the Four Basics of Good Cause and Effect.

1 Little doubt remains that global warming is a threat to our world, but not everyone understands why it is happening and what the effects are. Many experts believe that this warming trend is largely the result of 2 greenhouse gases, including 4 carbon dioxide emissions, mainly from cars, and pollutants from industrial processes. 2 Deforestation is another significant cause. If current warming trends continue, the United States is most at risk for 1 negative consequences, although the entire world will be affected. Scientists predict that 3 sea levels will rise dangerously and 4 flood coastal areas. There will also be 3 more droughts and changes in precipitation patterns, 4 such as more hurricanes and tornadoes. In addition and possibly most destructive is the 3 threat to plant and animal life and, consequently, to public health.

Analyzing causes and effects goes beyond asking “What happened?” to also ask “Why?” and “How?”

Jim Rice of Quinsigamond Community College helps his students visualize the cause-and-effect relationship by suggesting that they think of three linked rings.


Many situations require you to determine causes or effects.

COLLEGE In an information technology course, you must discuss the effects of a virus on a local-area computer network.
WORK You analyze the likely effects of working five fewer hours per week.
EVERYDAY LIFE You try to figure out what is causing your phone to need a battery charge so often.
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