Organization in Cause and Effect

Cause-and-effect essays are organized in different ways depending on their purpose.

Global warming is a serious threat to life as we know it. To explain the effects of global warming Order of importance (saving the most serious effect for last)
Global warming will flood many coastal states. To describe how the U.S. map eventually might look Space order
Over the next century, the effects of global warming will be dramatic. To describe the effects of global warming over the next 100 years Time order

As you write your essay, add transitions to show how each cause or effect relates to your main point. Here are some common transitions that are used in cause-and-effect writing.

Common Transitions in Cause and Effect

one cause, reason, effect, result as a result
also because
another thus
first, second, third, and so on


Thesis statement

Indicates causes, effects, or both

Cause 1 or effect 1

Detailed explanation or example of the first cause or effect

Cause 2 or effect 2

Detailed explanation or example of the second cause or effect

Cause 3 or effect 3

Detailed explanation or example of the third cause or effect


Reminds readers of your main point and makes an observation about it based on what you have written

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