Using Good and Well
Complete each sentence by choosing the correct word in parentheses.
- Mark Twain’s ability to tell an amusing story is (good / well) known.
Using Good and Well - Question 1
- Twain’s famous story “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County” is a (good / well) example of traditional American tale-telling.
Using Good and Well - Question 2
- The story is narrated by an Easterner whose proper speech contrasts (good / well) with the country dialect of Simon Wheeler, a storyteller he meets.
Using Good and Well - Question 3
- Wheeler may not be (good / well) educated, but he is a master of the tall tale.
Using Good and Well - Question 4
- The narrator claims that Wheeler has told him a “monotonous” story, but the tale is apparently (good / well) enough for the narrator to repeat.
Using Good and Well - Question 5
- The frog in the story is famous for being a (good / well) jumper.
Using Good and Well - Question 6
- Wheeler explains that the frog’s owner lives (good / well) by gambling on the frog’s jumping ability.
Using Good and Well - Question 7
- The frog’s owner, Jim Smiley, makes the mistake of leaving the frog with a man whom Smiley does not know (good / well).
Using Good and Well - Question 8
- The stranger makes the frog swallow heavy shot so that he can no longer jump (good / well).
Using Good and Well - Question 9
- In Twain’s story, Simon Wheeler has such a (good / well) time telling stories that the narrator has to escape from him at the end.
Using Good and Well - Question 10