The Writing Process

The writing process consists of four basic stages — generating ideas, planning and drafting, revising, and editing. The flowchart below shows the four basic stages of the writing process and the steps within each stage.


Generate ideas

CONSIDER: What is my purpose in writing? Given this purpose, what interests me? What connections can I make among ideas? Who will read what I am writing? What do they need to know?

Plan and Draft

CONSIDER: How can I organize and present my ideas effectively for my readers?


CONSIDER: How can I make my draft clearer or more convincing to my readers?

  • Look for ideas that do not fit (see Chapter 4).
  • Look for ideas that could use more detailed support (see Chapter 4).
  • Connect ideas with transitional words and sentences (see Chapter 4).


CONSIDER: What errors could confuse my readers and weaken my point?

  • Find and correct the most serious errors in grammar (Chapter 16).
  • Look for other errors in grammar and style (Chapter 17).
  • Check your punctuation and capitalization (Chapter 18).
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