Chronological Order

Use chronological order to arrange points according to when they happened. Time order works well when you are telling the story of an event or explaining how to do something. Usually, you go in sequence from what happened first to what happened last; in some cases, though, you can work back from what happened last to what happened first.


The cause of the fire that destroyed the apartment building was human carelessness. The couple in apartment 2F had planned a romantic dinner to celebrate the woman’s raise at work. They lit candles all over the apartment and then shared a bottle of wine and ate a delicious meal. After dinner, they decided to go out to a club to continue the celebration. Unfortunately, they forgot to blow out all of the candles, and one of them was too close to a window curtain, which caught fire. The fire spread quickly throughout the apartment and then spread to others. By the time another resident smelled smoke, the fire was uncontrollable. The building was destroyed. Fortunately, rescuers were able to save everyone who was in the building. But all of the tenants lost their homes and most of their possessions. Human carelessness caused much human misery.

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