Focusing on a Single Main Point

Your thesis should focus on one main point. If you try to address more than one main point in an essay, you will not be able to give adequate support for all the points. Also, you risk splitting your focus.


In the next decade, many high schools will have a drastic shortage of teachers, and high school teachers should have to take competency tests.

The two points are underlined. The writer would need to explain why there will be a shortage of teachers and also why teachers should take competency tests. These are both meaty points, and any writer would have trouble supporting them equally in a single essay.


In the next decade, many schools will have a drastic shortage of high school teachers.


High school teachers should have to take competency tests.

Although a good thesis statement focuses on a single main point, it may include more than one idea if these ideas directly relate to the main point.

A good thesis may or may not include other information that the essay will include. If you know the points or examples that you will make to support your thesis, you can include them. In the example below, the thesis statement includes some points (shown in italics) that support the writer’s main point.

The job market for students is tight, but there are things you can do to help get a job in your field, such as asking for an informational interview, finding a mentor, or getting an internship.

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