Writing Assignment

Write a thesis statement using the narrowed topic and ideas you developed in Chapter 2 or one of the following topics (which will need to be narrowed). Use the checklist below as you work.

Friendship Fashion or style A good cause
Drug use Video games A waste of time
Exercise Going “green” A cultural icon


Writing a Thesis Statement


  • Read your narrowed topic.
  • Decide what you think is important about it. You may want to use a prewriting technique.
  • Consider your audience and purpose.


  • What is your position or your point about your topic?
  • Why is it important to you?
  • Do you have assumptions or biases? Does your audience?
  • What do you want to show, explain, or prove?
  • Can you think of additional ideas to support it?
  • Is your position a single point?
  • Is it a complete sentence?


  • Write a draft thesis statement, and make sure that it follows the basics of a good thesis statement (see “Thesis Statements”).
  • Revise your draft statement according to the basics of a good thesis statement, and try to make it more specific and confident.
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