Practice 7: Revising for Support

PRACTICE 7 Revising for Support

Read the following essay, and write in the space provided at least one additional support point or detail for each body paragraph and for the conclusion.

Anyone who has owned a dog knows that there is a special bond between dogs and humans. Even without speech, dogs seem to understand humans’ words and emotions. Dogs have been beloved family pets for a very long time, but they are also being used effectively in new educational, workplace, and therapeutic settings.


Practice 7: Paragraph 1

Dog rescue organizations often bring dogs into schools to talk about the dogs’ resilience and responsiveness to good care. For example, Greyhound Rescue, an organization that saves dogs from death after they are too old to race or when a track is being closed, is active in schools. Students meet the dogs and learn about caring for them and ways to help them. After visits, some students become volunteers at the organization.


Practice 7: Paragraph 2

Dogs work hard, too. They are sometimes brought into hotels to check for bedbugs, to airports for security checks, and to hospitals and nursing homes for patient therapy. There are also programs where chronically ill children are visited weekly by the same dog. The dogs seem to sense the children’s pain or weakness, and their visits give the children something to look forward to. The dogs have the same effect on nursing home residents.


Practice 7: Paragraph 3

Dogs are also brought into prisons to be trained by prisoners. Sometimes inmates train these dogs as seeing-eye dogs for blind people. Other times prisoners ready abandoned puppies for adoption. Many violent prisoners have been successful trainers. The sad part is that they cannot keep the dogs they have trained.


Practice 7: Paragraph 4

It is said that dogs are man’s best friend. They are trusting companions who love unconditionally. They are able to communicate and help where words sometimes do not.


Practice 7: Conclusion
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