Illustration at Work

The following is from an address that a university vice president gave to a group of new students.

Juan Gonzalez

Complete Learning


What is the purpose of Student Affairs?


The following words are italicized in the excerpt: embarking, striving, encapsulates, indicators, collaborative, integrated, aspire, complementing, facilitates, foster, engendering, status quo. If you do not know their meanings, look them up in a dictionary or online.


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(See “Critical Reading” in Chapter 1)


As new students, you are embarking on an incredibly exciting and challenging time, a time of expanding knowledge, relationships, viewpoints, and achievements. In my role as vice president, I am constantly striving to match that energy level so that we can offer the highest level of service on this very diverse campus. I frequently marvel at college students who seem to have an unlimited amount of energy that allows them to attend classes, read and study, maintain a social life, run for political office, pursue a hobby, play an intramural sport, volunteer for a worthy cause, hold down a job. We in the Division of Student Affairs strongly encourage activities outside the classroom that enrich the academic experience, as we recognize that a university education is enhanced through involvement in our campus community.

PAUSE: Why is Gonzalez surprised by students?


Last November, a group of Student Affairs staff, students, and faculty began work on creating a strategic plan for the division. They have been laboring diligently on this document, and I am excited to share with you the fruit of that labor, our newly developed Student Affairs Strategic Plan, which has as its motto “Student Affairs: Where Life and Learning Intersect.”


This phrase encapsulates the driving force behind the Division of Student Affairs. We exist, in essence, to help students succeed and grow, and we believe that growth and success must be measured in many ways. Academic success is one gauge of how well students are performing, but there are a variety of indicators other than grades. Those who take the most from their college experience are those who recognize that learning happens both inside and outside the classroom.

PAUSE: How does Gonzalez define success?


In fact, I recently had our units count the services they offer that are collaborative efforts with the academic side of the family, and a rough survey yielded 140 programs. This idea of integrated learning carries through most of what we do, whether it is a program to recruit the best students from around Texas like the Honors Colloquium, the increasingly popular “Academic Community Centers” for studying and advising on site in the residence halls, Summer Orientation, or the professor-led Freshman Reading Round-Up book discussions.

Our Vision Statement

Our vision statement lights the path we are following to where we aspire to be:

The Division of Student Affairs at The University of Texas at Austin seeks to become the premier organization of its kind. We envision a network of programs and services that excels in meeting students’ out-of-classroom needs, complementing their academic experiences, and building community on a diverse campus. In doing so, we will contribute to developing citizens and leaders who will thrive in and enrich an increasingly complex world.

Our Mission

PAUSE: How does this paragraph relate to the introductory paragraph?

Our mission, or the explanation of what we do, is described this way:

The Division of Student Affairs facilitates students’ discovery of self and the world in which they live. We enhance students’ educational experiences through programs and services that support academic success. We provide for fundamental needs, including shelter, nourishment, and a sense of security. We create environments that foster physical, emotional, and psychological wellness, and advance healthy lifestyles. Student Affairs builds communities, both real and virtual, that encourage inclusiveness, invite communication, and add to the cultural richness of the institution. We focus on personal development, including career decision making, problem solving, and group dynamics, challenging students to work both independently and as part of a team.

PAUSE: What is “complete learning”?

The work group that wrote the strategic plan also composed a defining phrase to encapsulate Student Affairs: “Our passion is complete learning.” These, I hope you will agree, are stirring words. We take our responsibility for providing an environment that is inclusive and promotes a healthy lifestyle seriously. We are committed to supporting you as you achieve your goals at this university.

Our Core Values

Sharing a fundamental belief in the value of Student Affairs and its ability to transform lives, we will pursue our vision by

  • Focusing on the lifelong learning and personal growth of all members of the university community;
  • Engendering a community that is inclusive, accessible, and secure;
  • Conducting ourselves and our programs with the highest integrity;
  • Enhancing our services by creating opportunities to collaborate and nurture partnerships;
  • Challenging ourselves to move beyond the status quo and pursue higher levels of excellence with determination and enthusiasm;
  • Strengthening a tradition of quality, compassion, and an unwavering belief in students and ourselves;
  • Demonstrating the innovation and courage to adapt to changing conditions; and
  • Realizing that both action and vision are necessary for a better future.

PAUSE: What is education, according to Gonzalez?

Our society benefits by having everyone educated, and education is a process that requires everyone to be engaged in the advancement of all peoples. The well-being of our state requires the next generation of leaders and scholars to understand our new world. This understanding means looking at the process of education as more than four years in college, the material in textbooks, or the contents of a classroom lecture but as a way to improve the world.

  1. Question

    Who is the audience for Gonzalez’s illustration? What is his purpose?

  2. Question

    Carefully reread the Four Basics of Good Illustration (see “Understand What Illustration Is”) and determine if Gonzalez’s essay is a good example of illustration. Make notes to support your opinion.

  3. Question

    What do you know about the services that are offered on your campus? If you know little, find out more, and comment on whether your college offers services like those that Gonzalez refers to.

  4. Question

    In your own words, state what you think Gonzalez says about what a good education is. Does he give you good examples? Do you agree with what he says?

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